Straight From the Heart

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My table clock says its 3.45 in the morning, my eyes are blurry, my mind is exhausted but my heart is at peace. Coz finally the our first big exam at WIMWI, the dreaded mid terms are over !!! The feeling is so amazing. After the tremendous amount of studies we have put in past week, now the regular prep for class and the everyday studies look no big deal. Though I know its not far that the same grind will start again day after tom, but the relief of getting thru the exams is still overwhelming......Dont ask me how they went, thats another question all together which I prefer not delving into :)

The past week was full of anxiety and tension as people didnt get enough time to study for the impending exams...the regular class study was itself consuming all our time. In the mess during meals, the topic of discussion veered always towards the mid terms.....its like the enitre campus was obsessed with it. I wont bore you with the details of the exams. I will just say that they were unlike any other exams I had ever given. Most of them were open book, but the papers were so damn application oriented that there wasn't much you could do with the books. You dont have to by heart anything for the exams. They purely test your concepts and application skills. There is no format for the exams, u never know if it will be objective or subjective or whatever.....u do not know how long the paper will be untill u actually get the question paper. So every subject has its own unique characteristic for the exams, very much unlike our engineering days. The only thing common to all is that they r all damn tough :) But then thats what makes the process even more exciting !!

Let me move away from the boring topic of exams !! If you are wondering what am I doing at this hour of the night (or the morning I should say) even when the exams got over today, its the T-Nite preparation. Yeah, the much awaited annual 4 night inter section event starts tomorrow and we have hardly enough time to prepare for it. So the entire class was sitting in the classroom and preparing for the same. And boy its great fun. So theres one group who is busy making posters, another practicing the skit, another the dance, another the fashion parade and the remianing not doing anything either click snaps or join in the poster making....Coz the number of posters u make are never enough....the more the better.
And then suddenly we all stop what we are doing, get together in the centre of the classroom, switch off the lights and play the music full blast and start dancing.....And its an awesome sight...everyone just letting sll their worries out and rocking to the beats.....knowing how to dance is immaterial, having fun is the essence. The class room are a completely different picture during the prep than what they are during lecturees. Therese paints all across, charts here and there, people sipping coffee while working, loud music blaring all along.......I have captured all the moments on the camera but can not post it till the T-Nites are over. The entire prep is a section secret and can not be leaked out of the boundaries of the class, lest the other sections take advantage of it.....So I will post the snaps this weekend.
Actually thats the purpose of the T-Nites, more than an inter section rivalry, the aim is for all the classmates to bond together and the friendships we make here go on for a lifetime. The sense of unity is developing and I can see that the enthu level is surely increasing. We also got our section T-shirts.....:)

It already past half of first term and I dont even realize it....another month and I will be off to home....boy how much I am looing forward for that. But persoanlly, I am pretty much settled here now. The tensions of studies have stopped bothering me so much and even the dreaded accounts subject has stopped coming in my nightmares. Its not that I have maxed the subjects. The truth is actually pretty contrary :) But the fact is that my attitude is relaxed and that gives me peace...thats my way of coping with the load and it sure is working.

Before I finally hit the sack, I can't resist sharing one tradition here.There are many small traditions at IIM-A which makes this place so special. U will slowly get to know them as my stay here progresses. Anyways, ya, what happens is that there is a thing called a "tempo shout".Its slogan which a big group shouts in chorus and which demonstrates the unity and strength of the group. The group can be ur dorm, ur section, anything. And though there is one standard tempo, each sectin does has its own variants. In fact, its very common to hear the tempo shout somewhere in the campus every day.
Ok so now that the T-Nites fever is on, the section bonding has grown. After class, each section heads for the mess for lunch. We arrives in hordes of 70 students. And when we enter the mess, we start the tempo shout....Imagine 70 people screaming at the top of their lungs....."Section A ka tempo high hai.......". And when we are inside the mess, there are others as well present there. Now why will they keep quiet and listen to the praises of some other section. So they all will start banging their steel glasses on the table continuously so that our tempo shout can not be heard in the din of the glasses.
So the entire scene is so cool. One group shouting the tempo shout, rest baging their glasses on the table....the end result is total chaos.....and we all love it :)

And then there will always be these tuchchas shouting in the groups to psyche all the poor fuchchas out....."Muggo fachcho muggo..." But they r the same ones whom u can wake at 4 in the morning to ask a doubt in a subject :)

I want to talk more but my fingers are giving up, so are my eyes. I will get back soon here in 2-3 days to give an update of the T-Nites......

Till then....."WIMWI ka tempo high hai....."


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